Tajik Cinema Days started in Uzbekistan

As part of the program of the 14th Tashkent International Film Festival «Pearls of the Silk Road», «Tajikistan Cinema Days» began in the Republic of Uzbekistan. Durdona Rasulova, correspondent of the Uzbek branch of «Voice of Tajikistan» radio, informes .
According to the correspondent, on September 13, the opening ceremony of «Cinema Days of the Republic of Tajikistan» was held in the Grand State Academic Theater named after Alisher Navoi. Filmmakers of the two countries, employees of the Tajik National Cultural Center, film fans and media representatives took part in this event.
As part of the Cinema Days of the Republic of Tajikistan, the feature and documentary films «The Last Fisherman», «The Angels’ Father» and «Two years of the SSC’s activity: the road to success» will be shown.