Zavqi Zavqizoda: Exports increased and imports decreased by 69%

The volume of foreign trade turnover in 2022 is 7512.9 mln. that is 25.1% more than the same period of the last year. During this period, the export of goods amounted to 2330 mln. dollars and imports to 5182.9 mln. dollar became equal. The share of exports in the turnover of foreign trade increased to 31%, and imports decreased to 69%. This point was expressed today by the Minister of Economic Development and Trade of the Republic of Tajikistan, Zavki Zavqizoda, during a press conference.
As mentioned, in this period, the indicator of the export of the republic without taking into account precious metals is 1612.6 mln. dollar, which is 43.8% more than in 2021.
The specific export weight of the country is mainly due to the sale of minerals and concentrates, precious metals, cotton fiber and its products, primary aluminum, electricity, other semi-precious metals, fruits and vegetables, cement, ferrous metals and other products are formed.